Nomination and Application Process

Nomination & Application Process

The Society of Research Administrators International Distinguished Faculty (DF) program aims to establish a core group of professionals in research administration. Any SRA International member in good standing can self-nominate or nominate another member for DF status.

Join us on this journey and consider nominating yourself or a colleague for the DF program! Applications will open Spring 2025. 

To Nominate Someone for This Honor:

  1. The nominator must submit a letter to SRAI describing how he/she is acquainted with the nominee and why the nominator believes the nominee meets the selection criteria for DF status listed
  2. The individual nominated must complete the nomination process by providing SRAI an up-to-date resume/CV that specifically highlights the individual’s activities in the past 3-5 years as an instructor, author, speaker, webinar/workshop leader, and/or mentor as well as any education-service related activities in the field of RA (e.g., serving as a track chair for a RA meeting).

A Self-Nominee Must:

  1. Submit a letter to SRAI describing why he/she deserves DF status based on the selection criteria for DF status listed
  2. Submit a professional reference from someone who is an SRAI member in good standing describing how the candidate meets the selection criteria for DF status listed below.
  3. Complete his/her application for DF status by providing an up-to-date resume or CV that specifically highlights the individual’s activities with SRAI during the past 3-5 years as an instructor, author, speaker, webinar/workshop leader, and/or mentor as well as any education-service related activities in the field of RA.

Nominee’s presentation evaluation data from previous SRA International events will be available to the selection committee for review.

Terms and Expectations of Distinguished Faculty

After being selected as a DF member, the DF member will be expected to continue to regularly contribute to the Society and the field of research administration. This should involve engagement in activities commensurate with the criteria for selection, which may include any education-service related activities in the field of RA such as SRAI committee involvement, educational working groups, certificate review, mentoring, presenting, and/or educational and professional development.

Selection Criteria for Initial Appointment and Renewal

The Chair(s) of the DF Subcommittee under the Membership Committee shall convene a Selection/Review Panel to evaluate each nominee according to the following criteria:

  1. SRAI Membership: The individual nominated for DF status must be a member in good standing at the time of nomination AND:
  2. Expertise in Research Administration: There must be evidence in the materials provided that the nominee is recognized by his/her peers as a subject matter expert in one or more areas within the Body of Knowledge of research administration AND:
  3. Teaching Excellence: There must be evidence in the materials provided that the individual has developed and presented (within last 3-5 years) high quality education and training content that adds to the body of knowledge. Engagement in education-service related activities in the field of RA will also be considered.

Recognition and Appreciation

The Society’s goal is to involve its active DF members in achieving the educational goals of the Society. Towards this end SRA International will:

  1. Recognize DF members at SRA events and in conference programs, websites, webinars and publications.
  2. Invite DF members to submit proposals to participate as speakers, workshop leaders and leaders of other educational venues and ask DF members to fill content gaps in programming as needed.

SRA International appreciates the time and talents DF provides to support the society and recognizes their efforts by:

  1. Automatically inviting DF to participate in the SRAI's Odyssey Mentoring Program
  2. Participate in society planning to:
    1. Help envision and plan the future educational activities of the Society in relation to existing and emerging needs of the profession.
    2. Design, plan and identify DF participants to carry out special educational projects as needed to strengthen the Society and/or the profession in general.
    3. Engage in collegial discussions and benefit from peer presentations on topics of interest to enhance the professional development of all DF.
    4. Recognize incoming DF members and list their contributions to the profession.


If you have any questions or need any assistance with your application, contact Gina Snyder, Program Manager.