Being part of SRAI has given me confidence, knowledge, and leadership opportunities that I never would have expected in my life. Growing up in a very small town in Utah. Learning how to interact with others across the globe, in a profession that I have come to love, was initially uncomfortable....
My passion for SRAI began at the first meeting. I had attended other professional meetings but always left wanting a different experience. After my first meeting I knew I had found my professional development home. It was SRAI. This organization and its members have given so much to me...
"Raise your hand if you knew as a young child that you wanted to be a research administrator when you grew up?" I ask that question at every Basics training that I have taught over the years and have yet to have anyone raise their hand. (However, I did come close with a participant in the...
A few months into my grants management career in 2005, my supervisor recommended I attend the Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI) meeting in Niagara Falls, NY. Excitement best describes what I felt as this would be my first work travel, my conference attendance would count...
My name is Pamela Denise Montgomery, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of At-Large Board Member on the Board of Directors for the Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI). For over twenty years, I have served the research community at Duke University in...
In spring 2024, I made the decision to run for the SRAI Board of Directors. As with any significant commitment, serving on the Board requires time, dedication, and a deep understanding of the challenges facing the United States research enterprise as well as the international community. We must...
SRAI membership includes a wide variety of people from all over the world with varied experiences and are at institutions with varied resources and missions. It’s that variety and commitment to service that makes us the premier research administration organization in the world and why I’ve truly...
Investing in the professional development and career progression of research administrators is crucial for advancing the field of research administration. These professionals are the backbone of our organizations, playing a pivotal role in our collective success in research. This commitment to...
Have you ever considered seeking feedback from your team members? Asking for feedback demonstrates that you value their opinions. Simply inviting their experiences, thoughts, and ideas reduces the likelihood that team members view themselves merely as task executors under your direction. As a...
Hot Topics in Research Law | Legal Issues in the Age of AI-Generated Media: Deepfakes and Other AI Chicanery The Spotlight concludes its series on the implications of emerging legal issues when artificial intelligence (AI) platforms are incorporated as part of the research administration...
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