Spotlight: Allowability, Allocability, Reasonableness | Part 1: Incorporating AAR into the Research Administrator’s Daily Routine The Spotlight closes out the year with a study of allowability, allocability and reasonableness (AAR), essential skills in the research administrator’s toolkit....
A New Approach to Career Paths: Career Latticing – Benefits and Pitfalls: Part 2 Last month, we looked at the concept of a career lattice approach to professional growth and development, rather than a career ladder with defined succession steps rising to the top of an organization. This month...
The Responsible Conduct of Research: Where Are We Now? Last month we discussed the beginnings of the education and regulations surrounding the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). Here we will discuss where we are now and where we seem to be going. When you google the Responsible...
A New Approach to Career Paths: Career Latticing – What Is It? Part 1 Have you ever wondered how to avoid having to climb a ladder for career progression? Career latticing can help you meet your goals and still progress as a research administrator. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series and will...
The Not So Known History of the Responsible Conduct of Research Regulations This article will provide some lesser-known history of the RCR regulations including some early versions of RCR education and two cases of misconduct accusations found to be untrue, which helped in the development of...
Considerations in Issuing International Subawards What makes an international subaward different from a U.S. domestic subaward? What must organizations take into account before moving forward with an international subsite? Let’s review common questions and considerations to explore when...
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