NIH Certificate

National Institutes of Health Grants Fundamentals (NIH)

The National Institutes of Health Grants Fundamentals (NIH) certificate was produced by SRA International for the benefit of its members who manage NIH grants. It was produced solely by SRA International, and is not an official program of the NIH.

The NIH Grants Management certificate provides a foundation in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). As the NIH is the single largest federal grant-awarding agency, the program is perfect both for someone new to research administration and for research administrators expanding their knowledge of federal funding agencies. The curriculum - anchored by the full-day workshop, "NIH Fundamentals" - provides an overview to the procedures and policies essential to preparing successful applications to and managing grant awards from the National Institutes of Health.

Certificate Course Requirements

NIH Grants Fundamentals is comprised of one full-day workshop, three required sessions and three elective sessions. 

2024 SRAI SO/NE Section Mtg: NIH Certificate Tracking Sheet