
Keynote Speaker
Wednesday, April 3

Kathleen Strukoff 
Artist & Teacher
BEAM - Building Educational Architectural Models Program 
Palm Springs Modernism Committee
Palm Springs, CA

Kathleen Strukoff

Palm Springs -- The Mecca of Modernism
For a century, architects, writers, designers, musicians and actors have been coming to Palm Springs to bring their ideas to the special recipe that makes Palm Springs a creative gumbo that has become a mecca of architecture, art & design.  Many of these creatives have been strongly influenced by the desert.  As one of our most significant architects wrote:  "The sun, the pure air, the simple forms of the desert create the perfect conditions." Palm Springs was their canvas.  They didn't see emptiness.  The only saw possibility.  
We will examine a bit of the history, main elements and key players of what makes Palm Springs the mecca of Desert Modernism architectural design.   We will also touch on how the desert has influenced other creative areas such as art, home and car design.

Presented by Kathleen Strukoff who is an artist and teacher in the BEAM - Building Educational Architectural Models program that is part of the Palm Springs Modernism Committee that is dedicated to the preservation of Modernism architecture.