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Kudos Korner | Heather Brown

By SRAI News posted 11-13-2020 09:12 AM


Kudos Korner | Heather Brown

SRA International members rock! As research management and administration professionals, they never stop improving, learning, achieving, or earning new heights of success. We love sharing good news and offering a well-deserved pat on the back for recent personal and/or professional achievement. In keeping with that sentiment, please join us as we congratulate Heather Brown on her new position in a new city!

SRA International is a professional networking community of learners. One way to gain knowledge and expertise is to share our stories of successful achievements with our peers and colleagues. Often research managers/administrators are cast in the role of promoting, supporting and applauding others. While this may be gratifying in many respects, it is also healthy to have pride in one’s own accomplishments. Kudos Korner offers SRA International members a wonderful and respectful venue for sharing and “bragging.” Have Something to Share in Kudos Korner? Submit your article here.

Transitions/New Position/New City


Heather Brown, MEd
Grants and Contracts Administrator
Duke Human Vaccine Institute
SRAI member since 2014

Many of us have found life during this pandemic to be a bit challenging. But as research administrators we never let a good challenge stop us. In the middle of September, Heather left her role as Grants and Contracts Manager at the Seattle Institute for Biomedical and Clinical Research, said good-bye to her esteemed colleagues and prepared for the next step. Eleven adventurous days of driving a very large U-haul solo, car in tow, across the country from Seattle, WA to Raleigh, NC. On the other side of the country, she began her new role as a Grants and Contracts Administrator at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute. 

One of the things Heather values most about SRAI is that it brings together an engaged group of research administrators that are supporting sponsored projects in a wide range of institutions beyond universities, hospitals and non-profit organizations.

Heather has been on the Catalyst Committee since February of this year. She has been the author behind the Catalyst’s monthly poll questions and articles since June of this year and going forward she will also be penning this column.  She’s excited to share your next success story with our community of members.

Join us in wishing Heather much success in this new role!

Authored by Debra Schaller-Demers, Senior Director, Research Outreach and Compliance
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
SRAI President

1 comment



11-13-2020 06:58 PM

Congratulations Heather on the new position!