Reflection and Anticipation
As the holidays approach, it’s a wonderful time for reflection and anticipation. This past year has seen rapid changes in research administration, bringing both challenges and opportunities. Reflecting on these changes, I am filled with hope and excitement for the future.
If one thing is constant in our profession, it is change, and it can often feel both daunting and exciting. Beyond keeping up with the latest funding programs and policy updates, your organization may be implementing new software systems, introducing new training programs, or even adjusting roles and structures to meet today’s research management needs. Jim Collins, in his book Good to Great, uses the metaphor of having the right people in the right seats on the bus to emphasize the importance of focusing on “who” rather than “what” when navigating organizational change.
If you find yourself amidst change or are thinking about new professional opportunities, consider whether you are in the right seat and on the right bus. Perhaps there are opportunities to explore a different role, learn a new task, or explore a new organization altogether. It is an exciting time to be a research administrator, and our dynamic field offers numerous paths for career growth.
To support your journey, explore SRAI’s Professional Development Framework. It’s designed to help you navigate your career path and seize new opportunities.
Wishing you a safe and restful holiday season and looking forward to the year ahead.
Authored by Dara C. Little, Associate VP for Research, Executive Director Sponsored Programs,
Northern Illinois University
SRAI President