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Time Marches On

By SRAI News posted 12-12-2024 05:31 PM


Time Marches On

Change is inevitable. Time marches on. All good things must come to an end. There’s a season for everything. Sometimes you have to let things go for better things to come into your life. 

I’ve been resisting starting off Note from the Editors with (too many) clichés since I started writing this column. Every month a new one, or fifteen, would spring to mind, and I would peer through them at the articles themselves until I finally figured out what it is I wanted to say. This month is no different, except it is – this will be the last Note from the Editor from me, and the new year will bring new adventures for both the Catalyst and for us.

I’ve always said the Catalyst has been my favorite volunteer opportunity, and I’ve meant it. It’s truly been an enjoyable and fulfilling experience upon which I’ll look back fondly. Thank you, Debbie Schaller-Demers and Gloria Greene, for giving me the opportunity to serve in this role as co-editor, and to Terry Campbell and Heather Brown for joining me as my co-editors during my terms. Thank you to our wonderful Catalyst committee members for all your hard work, our contributors for entrusting us with your words and ideas, and to SRAI headquarters for your support. It’s been an honor to work with you all. Lastly, thank you to you, our readers. A publication is nothing more than a tree falling in an empty wood without you – does it really make a sound?

With that, I wish you all Happy Holidays and auld lang syne. Here’s to new adventures for us all.


Authored by Karen Bone, Senior Award Administrator
Florida Atlantic University
SRAI Catalyst Co-editor

Karen and I worked well as a team because we were so in sync.  She always gave me the floor to add anything she had missed and she rarely had missed anything that we had previously discussed or that I had already been thinking.  So, I echo much of what she’s said with her appreciation to you all. Serving as the Catalyst co-editor has been an amazing adventure and I’m looking forward to the new ones awaiting both me and you, our readers, as we roll into a new year. 

In all the ways that you celebrate this season, I hope your celebrations are full of light, warmth and good cheer!

Authored by Heather Brown, Grants and Contracts Administrator,
Duke Human Vaccine Institute
SRAI Catalyst Co-editor


