Committee- Past Award Recipients

Journal of Research Administration Recognition

The Rod Rose award was established in 1973. The award is presented annually to the author of the article judged by the Editorial Review Board as the most outstanding contribution to that year's volume of the SRA International Journal of Research Administration.

In 2017, the JRA added one more award recognition Most Valuable Editor (MVE) award. The award recognizes Editorial Board members of the JRA.

Rod Rose Award Past Recipients

2022- Examining Employee Retention and Motivation Trends in Research Administration (Fall 2021, Volume LII, Number 2)

  • Loralin Welch 
  • Noorie Brantmeier

2021- Beyond Boundaries: Developing Grant Writing Skills across Higher Education Institutions (Fall 2020, Volume LI, Number 2)

  • Kay Cunningham 

2020- Success Factors for University Research Development Offices and Activities (Fall 2019,Volume L, Number 2)

  • Roxana Ross
  • Jennifer Reeves
  • Karin Scarpinato
  • Maureen Pelham

2019Building a Research Onboarding Program in a Pediatric Hospital: Filling the Orientation Gap with Onboarding and Just-in-Time Education (Fall 2018, Volume XLIX, Number 2)

  • Holly Zink
  • Jack D. Curran

2018 - Using Competencies to Transform Clinical Research Job Classifications (Fall 2017, Volume XLVIII, Number 2)

  • Rebecca Namenek
  • Brouwer, Christine
  • Deeter, Deborah
  • Hannah, Terry
  • Ainsworth, Catherine
  • Mullen, Betsy
  • Hames, Heather
  • Gaudaur, Tara
  • McKellar, Denise C.
  • Snyder Duke University

2017 - The Roles of Chief Research Officers at American Research Universities: A Current Profile and Challenges for the Future (Spring 2017, Volume XLVIII, Number 1)

  • Kelvin K. Droegemeier
  • Lori Anderson Snyder
  • Deeter, Deborah
  • Alicia Knoedler
  • William Taylor
  • Brett Litwiller
  • Howard Gobstein
  • Gaudaur, Tara
  • Christine Keller
  • Teri Lyn Hinds
  • Nathalie Dwyer

2016 - How Do I Review Thee? Let Me Count the Ways: A Comparison of Research Grant Proposal Review Criteria Across US Federal Funding Agencies (Fall 2015, Volume XLVI, Number 2)

  • Holly Falk-Krzesinski, PhD, Northwestern University/Global Academic Relations
  • Stacey Tobin, PhD, The Tobin Touch, Inc.

2015 - Into the Looking Glass: Psychological Contracts in Research Administration (Spring 2015, Volume XLVI, Number 1)

  • Melanie Hicks, PhD, The University of Tampa
  • Jorge Monroy-Paz, The University of Tampa.

2014 - Networks of Neuroscientists: Professional Interactions within an Interdisciplinary Brain Research Institute (Fall 2013, Volume XLIV, Number 2)

  • Jenny Godley, University of Calgary
  • Keith Sharkey, University of Calgary
  • Samuel Weiss, University of Calgary

2013 - In Remembrance There Is Prevention: A Brief Review of the Failure to Protect Human Subjects in Tuskegee, Nuremberg, Guatemala, and Nigeria (Spring 2012, Volume XLIII, Number 1)

  • Cameron Nelson, Loyola University Chicago

2012 - Academic Excellence: A Commentary and Reflections on the Inherent Value of Peer Review (Spring 2012, Volume XLIII, Number 1)

  • Jennifer Shambrook, PhD, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
  • Thomas Roberts, Florida Gulf Coast University

2011 - Developing and Managing University-Industry Research Collaborations through a Process Methodology/Industrial Sector Approaches (Fall 2010, Volume XLI, Number 3)

  • Simon P. Philbin, PhD, MBA, Imperial College London

2010 - Teaching and Assessing the Responsible Conduct of Research: A Delphi Consensus Panel Report (Fall 2009, Volume XL, Number 1

  • James M. DuBois, Saint Louis University
  • Jeffrey M. Dueker, Saint Louis University

2009 - Laboratory Management Institute: A Model for the Professional Development of Scientists (Fall 2008, Volume XXXXIX, Number 2)

  • John C. Galland, University of California, Davis
  • Jade R. McCutcheon, University of California
  • Lynne U. Chronister, University of Washington

2008 - Implementing Ethics Policies in Developing Countries: Ploughing On Parched Ground? (Fall 2007, Volume XXXVIII, Number 2

  • Isaac N. Mazonde, University of Botswana
  • Jose Jackson- Malete, University of Botswana
  • Jeremy Sugarman, Johns Hopkins University

2007: Thomas J. Roberts

2006: David Perlman

2005: Robert E. Porter

2004: Carl N. Drummond

2003: Pamela A. Krauser

2002: Jerry Fife and Robert Forrester

1999: Anne Sterner

1998: James E. Lewis


  • Ira S. Goodman
  • Kammy Cabral
  • Gwynne Nemcek
  • Therese Powers

1995: Irene Johston Petrick and William S. Kirby

1994: John B. Richey

1992: James S. Fairweather

1991: Peggy S. Lowry and Celia S. Walker

1990: Charmaine Judy Streharsky

1989: Barbara C. Hansen and Kenneth D. Hansen

1988: L.B. Cebik


  • Michael R. Dingerson
  • Sonja E. Eveslage
  • Clifford L. Shisler

1986: Mark R. Edwards and J. Ruth Sproull

1985: Richard L. Mooney

1984: Bonnie Jean McKenzie

1983: Roger G. Ditzel

1982: Howard L. Smith and Waneta C. Tuttle

1981: Robert Z. Gussin

1980: Wilfred S. Martin

1979: Richard A. Sessions and Tom Collins

1978: Bruce Darling and Leonard Redecke

1977: E.J. Shoben, Jr. and J. William Smith

1976: Winford E. Holland and William J. Kretlow

1975: Jack M. Miles

1974: Robert A. Collins and John L. Yeager

1973: Robin J. Pardini

Most Valuable Editor Award Past Recipients

2022: Kathleen Halvorsen

2021: Nathan L. Vanderford 

2020: Holly Zink

2019: Ira S. Goodman, Cliff Studman

2018: Timothy Linker

2017: Amy Cuhel-Schuckers, Deborah B. Derrick and Carson Harrod

Education and Professional Development Committee Recognition

The Best Concurrent Session award is divided amongst SRAI's various programs, honoring winners from the best concurrent session held at the SRAI Annual Meeting, the best concurrent session held at the Financial Management Conference, and the best concurrent session held at the Research Administration Conference. Award winners are based on session evaluations and thus reflect "the people's choice." The first Best Concurrent award was presented in 1997 for the best concurrent session given at the 1996 SRAI Annual Meeting.

Best Annual Meeting Concurrent Session Award Winners

2022: Kevin Titus 

2021: Dominic Esposito and Amy Sikalis; Karen Mullin

2020: Kimberly Pratt

2019: James E. Riddle

2018: Alex Weekes and Kristin Thompson-Scroggin 

2017: Angela Sherman

2016: Kevin Titus

2015: William Helmrath and Chad Restrick

2014: Minessa Konecky and Eleanor Greene

2013: Cindy Kiel

2012: Stephen Murphy

2011: David King and Mathew Hawthorne

2010: Scott Boots

2009: Cindy Kiel and Eileen Morgan

2008: Dwight Ball, Chris Wilson and Karen Wilson

2007: Edward F. Gabriele

2006: Sheila Vrana

2005: Cindy Kiel

2001: Edward F. Gabriele

2000: Edward F. Gabriele

1998: Frederick Blue and Bob Geiger

1996: Michael McCallister

Best Financial Management Conference Concurrent Session Award Winners

2023: Sam Mombou

2022: Joshua Rosenberg

Best Research Administration Conference Concurrent Session Award Winners

2023: Kay Gilstrap, LyKheng Kheng Huot, Susan Sedwick 

2022: Moses Desmennu, Angela Silva, Drew Ebersole, Tracy Engels, Sherry Hammond


For questions about SRAI Awards and Recognitions, please email