

SRAI's Symposium is a great way to get involved and showcase your own work and expertise. At SRA International's annual meeting, we promote a tradition of showcasing professional posters contributed by research administrators like you. These posters aren't just displays; they're presentations of innovation and insight that push the boundaries of research administration and management, enriching and advancing our profession.

Posters should represent an important contribution to the research administration body of knowledge or successfully demonstrate significant milestones of success that are of interest or importance. They should not be used as a marketing resource for an institution’s success but should articulate advances in research administration or management.

Submission is open to any individual whose scholarly or professional interest is related to research management.

Topics must focus on areas of research administration specialization such as:

  • pre-award processes
  • post-award processes
  • international research administration
  • research infrastructure and growth
  • strategic planning
  • financial management
  • computer science
  • research ethics
  • human research
  • animal research
  • intellectual property
  • technology transfer
  • publication standards
  • human resources management
  • other research administration-related areas

2024 Symposium Poster Presentations

1. Mastering Data Strategy: A Blueprint for Data Strategy Planning for NIH Programs
     o Author(s): Holly Zink
     o Representing: University of Kansas Medical Center
2. RISE: Research Administrators at Illinois State University Supporting Mentoring and Empowerment
     o Author(s): Dr. Stacey Kelley, Kathy Spense, Jason Wagoner, Craig McLauchlan
     o Representing: Illinois State University
3. Effort Guidelines
     o Author(s): Ruth Rosas
     o Representing: Baylor College of Medicine
4. How to get certified in research administration
     o Author(s): Ian Von Wald
     o Representing: Duke Quantum Center, Duke University
5. Engage, Innovate, and expand to a New Type of Huddle Meeting
     o Author(s): Savannah Crawford, Melissa Acosta, David Li
     o Representing: Houston Methodist Research Institute
6. Science Diplomacy and Science Policy: Beyond the Traditional Role of Research Administrators
     o Author(s): Luca Polizzi, Aeisha Salem
     o Representing: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
7. Empower, Inspire, Achieve: Faculty Leading the Way in Grant Success at a PUI
     o Author(s): Dr. Joanna Joyner-Matos, Jacqueline Coomes
     o Representing: Eastern Washington University
8. Building Interdisciplinary and Inter-Professional Research Capacity
     o Author(s): Zoe Daudier, Yvonne Morgan, Laurie Emanuele, Renee Pepin
     o Representing: Dartmouth Health
9. PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD EDI Integration in Research: Insights from a NORDP-Supported Study
     o Author(s): Dr. Sanjukta Choudhury, Vivki Squires, Bonnie Huughes, Tanya Robertson-Frey
     o Representing: University of Saskatchewan, Canada
10. Development and Implementation of Standardized Study Performance Metrics for a VA Healthcare System Clinical Research Consortium: A 6-Year Follow-Up Assessment
     o Author(s): Marcus Johnson, Merritt Raitt, Aliya Asghar, Danielle Beck
     o Representing: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
11. BEST POSTER OF THE YEAR Human-Centered AI Implementation in Research Admin: Early Experiences and an Emerging Heuristic
     o Author(s): Amber Hedquist, Valerie Keim
     o Representing: Arizona State University
12. Developing and Implementing a Strategy for Research at AKU
     o Author(s): Melaine D'Cruze, Adnan Altaf
     o Representing: Aga Khan University
13. Enhancing Research and Grant Infrastructure in West Virginia
     o Author(s): Dr. Suzanne Strait, Juliana Serafin
     o Representing: Marshall University Research Coorporation
14. Global Strategies for Clinical Research Administration: Collaborating to Shape Policies and Develop Best Practices  
     o Author(s): Nada Naser, Peter Chen, Halima Alnaqbi, Mira Mousa
     o Representing: Khalifa University
15. A framework for evaluating an established multidivisional research administration office in Tanzania 
     o Author(s): Amber Steen, Stellah Mpagama, Lauren Armstrong, Tupokigwe Jana
     o Representing: University of Virginia
16. Empowering Research Excellence: The Evolution of the Markey Cancer Center's Research Communications Office
     o Author(s): Megan Eder, Danielle Story
     o Representing: University of Kentucky - Markey Cancer Center
17. Ticket system: Introduction of an effective communication tool in the research administration  
     o Author(s): Shulaila Altaf, Lenora Trujillo
     o Representing: UT Health at Houston
18. Advancing HIV/AIDS research through a comprehensive research administration training program in Uganda
     o Author(s): Elizabeth Olmsted, Margaret Mbabazi, Lauren Armstrong
     o Representing: Virginia Commonwealth University
19. Key Considerations for Developing an AI Policy Framework for the Office of Sponsored Programs
     o Author(s): Suswara Mandala Rayabandla
     o Representing: Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
20. Defining the Venn Between Pre-award and Post-award Roles in Research Administration
     o Author(s): Cecilia Canadas
     o Representing: UCLA Department of Neurobiology


For any questions regarding the Symposium, please email Kelci Piavis, Program Coordinator, at