Research Administration Careers| Cradle to Grave Our 2022 series on Research Administration (RA) Careers concludes this month with a reflection on the lifecycle of a research administrator. Much has changed in this field over the past generation. Emerging trends point to RA as a viable and...
Research Administration Careers| Burn Out or Fade Away Is doing more with less helpful or harmful? Our Career Series Spotlight explores how increased workloads can contribute to burn out as research administrators face challenges that can affect their work as well as their physical and...
Research Administration Careers| Career Options Continuing our series on research administration (RA) careers, this month’s Spotlight focuses on the array of professional options available in this diverse field. An RA career can span many areas of expertise that build a well-rounded body of...
Research Administration Careers| Considering Getting a Certification? Reflection and Tips from a Research Administrator This month’s Spotlight focuses on certification as an important component of a research administrator’s toolkit. Katrina Akioka shares her personal experience and offers...
Research Administration Careers| Training Often, the most challenging part of a career development cycle comes through professional education and development. This month’s Spotlight looks at training for new research administrators, highlighting essential elements to promote ongoing success. ...
Research Administration Careers | Onboarding: Innovative Staffing Program Achieves Infinite Game Success In this month’s Spotlight, the University of Michigan presents a unique solution to combat staffing gaps and turnovers . Research Administration is, as inspirational speaker Simon Sinek...
Research Administration Careers | Hiring: The Employer Has No Clothes While anyone can say “yes” to a question, a near miss with an experienced-level hire made it clear that more specific questions about the mechanics of research administration are necessary during the interview process. With...
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What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Research Administration | Sean Scott Members of SRAI’s Distinguished Faculty were recently asked, “What do you wish you knew when you started in Research Administration?” Over the next few months we will share their insights and observations. ...
Research Administration Careers | Part II: Onboarding This month, the SRAI Catalyst continues its Spotlight Series on Research Administration (RA) Careers with a look at Onboarding, exploring the different challenges and opportunities facing RA newcomers, experienced professionals, and senior...
Are Research Administrators Nonessentialist? Two Great Reads for 2022 Nonessentialist? That sounds horrid! But think of yourself (and others) as research administrators. Is it your mindset to be all things to all people? I have to. It's all important. How do I fit it all in? Do you react to...
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