Journal Archives

Spring 2022 

04-19-2022 10:53 AM

From the Editor’s Desk

Jennifer E. Taylor
Tennesee Tech University

The Journal of Research Administration (JRA) is the premier scholarly publication for the field of research administration and management. We publish timely work that covers all facets of our discipline. The Journal is an important education and career development platform. Our authors share best practices and innovative means of performing research administration and management work in our fast-paced, ever-changing environments while also enhancing their own careers through the process of publishing peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles.

As we have moved into 2022 and moved past this last peak of COVID-19, we have been fortunate to benefit from our authors' hard work and support, the members of the editorial board, and our incredible staff. Collectively, they have given us the opportunity to assemble what we think is another exceptional issue of JRA characterized by high-quality, important manuscripts that address a range of key issues in Research Administration.

The manuscripts we are pleased to share with you range from those whose focus is fully international, to others that are more closely focused on the factors within institutions that provide important insights into how we may enhance the efficacy and success of initiatives in our home organizations. We are also pleased to include two manuscripts that may help those in research administration become better at telling and sharing, the importance of research with each other, and the broader communities that support and use our work. As always, we hope that researchers from across the globe will continue to view JRA as a preferred outlet for their work as well as a source of important conceptual and practical scholarship to guide that work.

Our first article focuses on the challenges of collaboration among members of research teams, particularly research administrators, that are based in different countries across the globe. Dr. White-Jones identifies important elements that contribute to the success of such collaborations that hold important lessons for research collaboration globally and locally. Our second manuscript represents a topic that may be the first of its kind for JRA as it examines the use of Podcasting for research dissemination. Carla DeMarco describes efforts at the University of Toronto Mississauga to use Podcasts to promote, disseminate, and communicate more broadly research. She goes on to consider gaps in our knowledge base about the uses and utility of this ever-growing communications strategy for the research community. Dr. Santos and Ms. Bradao at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Santa Apolónia, in Portugal return to the issue of the complexities of managing increasingly large, risky, and often uncertain research and development initiatives that bring growing challenges for research managers and administrators while attempting to provide direction to teams of scientists, companies, users, and other stakeholders. In this paper, the rationale for a new tool for R&D management based on design thinking principles is presented drawing on prior literature and a conceptual framework for a tool that can help research managers and administrators facilitate the successful development of the R&D initiative presented. 

Taking a turn from research management to the processes required in successful proposal development, Karen Mosier from the University of Saskatchewan provides us with a deeper understanding of the complex roles and their elements in the art of grantsmanship. Her manuscript discusses the mechanisms that can serve as a basis for a set of tools to train grant seekers. Dr. Tran and Ms. Aziz from the University of South Carolina offer us a different perspective on faculty research development. This theoretical paper critically examines existing evaluation methodologies of faculty research development programs and builds on the scholarship to propose a new comprehensive faculty-centric evaluation model known as The Comprehensive Evaluation of Return on Talent Investment Model (CERTi). Our final manuscript leaves us with a careful consideration of what can be the controversial question of "…Should Internal Funding Programs Favor Faculty Who Are Already Productive?" The team from the University of Miami examined whether applicants to an interdisciplinary internal funding program are already more productive than other faculty members, including those who apply for traditional (non-interdisciplinary) internal funding support. They were particularly concerned with whether high-achieving faculty members are simply using the availability of internal funds to boost their already high rates of productivity and, in so doing, not having the impact on an institution's research portfolio that is sought. As you read the results, I think you be pleasantly surprised!

This is my second issue as Editor-in-Chief of JRA. I continue to be excited about being given the charge to continue to help move our field forward, and I would invite you to email me directly with any input, questions, or suggestions you may have. The longer I am in this role, the more I appreciate the many people who support this work and their help as I have transitioned into this role. It is the team behind the Editor that is critical to the success of the Journal. First, the communications committee of JRA provides essential guidance and input on all phases of the Journal. Nathan Vanderford, my predecessor as Editor-in-Chief, is still graciously and generously available whenever I need to draw on his experience. Holly Zink, who serves as Deputy Editor, is an invaluable partner in what might otherwise be an overwhelming task. I want to be sure to recognize her hard work and intellectual contributions. The Editorial Board members are essential partners in ensuring that the manuscripts that appear in the Journal are exceptional and that they make valuable contributions to the work of our readers and the field of research administration more broadly. Without the countless hours, they contribute to the review process, the Journal and its continued growth would not be possible. This load has only grown as the number of submissions increases, and I thank them for never failing to come through for the Journal. The Author Fellowship Committee and the Author Fellow Advisors provide essential guidance to the Author Fellows as they develop and publish their first scholarly articles, and I am grateful that they will continue to provide this unique and vital work for JRA. Many behind-the-scenes SRAI staff have shared their knowledge, guidance, and expertise throughout my transition to the Editor-in-Chief role. Gina Cuevas, in particular, merits special recognition and thanks. She is the day-to-day beating heart of JRA – who ensures the production of the Journal meets the highest professional standards. 

Lastly, and as always, if you are a non-SRAI member and wish to have the Journal delivered to you via email, please sign up through the online system at


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