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New President-elect of the International Section

By SRAI News posted 01-25-2018 12:00 AM

Anndedorte_Vad.Authored by:
Annedorte Vad
Past-president, International Section

Copenhagen Business School

Right after the Annual Meeting, the International Section launched the election of a new President-elect to serve for the next year before taking over as Section President in 2019. The election saw a competition between three highly-relevant candidates each with excellent experience in research management and a desire to serve the society as an elected officer.

Talking on the position is a long-term commitment entailing the following terms:

  • President-elect: One-year (2018)
  • President: Two-year Term (2018-2019 and 2019-2020)
  • Past-president: One-year Term (2020-2021)

The winner of the election was Lorna Colquhoun, who is Director of Enterprise at the University of Bristol in England. I thank the candidates for running and the interest in volunteering. The next election for an incoming president-elect will be in 2019, but there are many more ways to volunteer see here for more details.

Lorna Colquhoun
Lorna Colquhoun

