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From the Membership Committee: Update on Membership Categories

By SRAI News posted 06-28-2018 12:00 AM


Tonya_EdvalsonAuthored by:
Tonya Edvalson
Membership Chair, SRAI
University of Utah

Over the past several months, the Membership Committee has taken a closer look at the membership categories to see if a more simplified approach might be in order. Through this process, we considered the current makeup of SRAI membership by category and the membership structure of other professional associations and we held feedback sessions with many of you.

One of the main concerns we heard at the chapter level was that a category similar to the Affiliate category was needed in order to continue to draw in membership at the local level. We are pleased to share that the new categories keep a Chapter membership category intact, while making it clearer the privileges that correspond to this category.

As a result, the new membership categories are:

  1. Full Membership
  2. Chapter Membership
  3. Retired/Student Membership

More information about each type of membership and the corresponding benefits can be found on the membership category section of SRAI’s website. We hope this page will be helpful to you in promoting the benefits of membership in the Society.

