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LevelUP, a New Horizon in Professional Development Brought to You by SRAI

By SRAI News posted 08-15-2019 12:00 AM


Authored by Evan Roberts on behalf of the Micro-credentialing Task Force
SRA International

Identifying, developing and maintaining the foundational skills to be a successful research administrator can be challenging. Early in our careers, we are reminded daily of the things we had yet to learn. There are transactions questioned, grants and IRB submissions returned in a sea of red ink, and plenty of deadline reminders from what seemed like every employee in the organization spelling out our impending doom if we did not act immediately. Although lessons learned through our mistakes are a valuable teacher, there are certainly less painful ways to find wisdom and excellence.

That is why we are excited to share with you SRA International’s LevelUP Micro-Credentialing Program, an innovative solution to supporting the educational development and continued success of our community members. The program is flexible, enabling you to complete the relevant courses you need and the time to complete the training at your own pace. LevelUP is also on the cutting edge, using a blend of technology and modern theories in educational design to bring learners an interactive educational experience that delivers relevant knowledge with practical guidance from experienced practitioners.

The micro-credentials received upon completing each module are nano-degrees demonstrating skill and proficiency in the specific topic area. Each completed module takes between 3-6 hours and requires learners to pass a 50-question test to receive a digital badge that includes competencies, pre-requisites, and skills. Each module completed can be combined as learners advance through the 5 levels of the program by completing a series of lessons, exams, and case studies. Improving on other training models, micro-credentials received through LevelUP can be displayed on LinkedIn, SRAI member profiles, and can even be added to professional email signature lines.

Most importantly, LevelUP is a labor of love engineered by professional experts, your peers with a passion to pass along their hard-earned wisdom and insights. Learners, both early and mid-career, will benefit from LevelUP’s comprehensive theoretical and regulatory frameworks while being introduced to practical tips and tricks of our trade that are essential to everyday professional efficacy. Join us in celebrating this important milestone for the SRAI community, scheduled for initial release in October this year, and keep an eye out for upcoming announcements with more details.

