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2020 Southern/Western Section Meeting: Registration Open

By SRAI News posted 11-12-2019 02:07 PM

2020 SO/WE Section meeting

2020 Southern/Western Section Meeting: Registration Open

Hello SRAI!

We hope you are planning to attend the 2020 Southern/Western Section Meeting. It is going to be a great learning and networking opportunity. The conference will be held in Savannah, Georgia, March 22-25, 2020. Savannah is an original colony with roots as early as 1733. It is a historic southern city imbued class and charm. The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency located on the Savannah River. Both the Financial Management and the Pre-Award certificates will be offered in full with additional workshops across an array of topics. Early bird registration is open now. Keep an eye out for further details about the conference.

We hope to see you in Savannah!

Authored by Kimberly Read, PhD, CRA

Assistant Director, Florida Center for Inclusive Communities

Coordinator for Research Administration, Department of Child & Family Studies

