"The Very Best Section Meeting Ever" | 2020 NE/MW Section Meeting in Philly
There were a lot of people on a lot of committees (Planning, Hospitality, Marketing, Program, Boots on the Ground, Newcomers’ Reception, Round Tables, Silent Auction and more) that put in a lot of work getting ready for what would have been the very best Section meeting ever in Philadelphia in April. Unfortunately, COVID-19 derailed many of those plans and forced the cancellation of the conference. Those volunteers are truly the backbone of SRAI. Fortunately, a lot of the planning and effort that was put into the program helped SRAI to successfully conduct our first ever virtual conference. Many of the speakers that were slated to present in Philadelphia were called upon by the EPDC to be speakers for the virtual conference during the same week in April. In addition, while the Midwest/Northeast Section meeting was cancelled, to the hotel, it was simply postponed. The Northeast/Southern Section meeting will be held at the same DoubleTree hotel in 2022. This will reduce some of the preparatory work and reduce costs.
As we reflect on all the work that went into the planning, sincere gratitude is the predominant thought that comes to mind. We truly do appreciate all the effort so many people put into the planning for that conference. We also reflect on everything we learned and the relationships that were built and/or strengthened during this process. We will still be able to take the good things we learned and apply that knowledge to other future meetings. We’ll also be able to learn from a few things on what not to replicate in the future. So, thank you again to all who helped in the planning for what would have been the very best Section meeting ever. Your efforts were not in vain.
As we move forward from what would have been the very best Section meeting ever in Philadelphia in April, the individual Section business meetings would have been the setting for the ‘retirement parties’ for the outgoing Section Presidents: Kate McCormick of the Northeast Section and Kevin Titus of the Midwest Section and the ‘coronation ceremonies’ for the incoming Presidents: Debbie Pettitt of the Northeast Section and Ruth Halsey of the Midwest Section. Instead, the passing of the batons occurred during what seems to be the new setting for business meetings everywhere in our world impacted by COVID-19: A Zoom call. In addition, the Northeast Section thanked Cindy Morin for all of her hard work and dedication throughout her presidential term and Marchon Jackson for his service as secretary and welcomed him into his new role as President Elect. Unfortunately, Debbie Pettitt was unable to be on the zoom call, but the Northeast Section welcomes her into her new role as President and thanks her for all of her work as President Elect and there was a virtual “passing of the baton” on the call. We also welcomed Ellen Libao into her new role as secretary and all look forward to working with her. We know everyone will do a great job in their new roles and the NE is looking forward to an excellent (if not quite as good as Philly would have been) meeting in Louisville, KY in the spring.
In the Midwest, Jason Claes was thanked for his service as Treasurer of the Midwest Section and then welcomed in as the new President-Elect. Melissa Mingler was then welcomed in as the new Treasurer.
Congratulations to these newly elected Section officers and thank you for your commitment.
Katie McCormick, Senior Grant Administrator Suffolk University Immediate Past President, Northeast Section |
Kevin Titus, Business Director Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Immediate Past President, Midwest Section |