Michigan Chapter
I hope you are well and are able to take some time this summer to relax. It sure has been a whirlwind these last few months. But as I keep telling myself - the waters are always choppy during the storm - we just have to weather them.
I am writing today to officially announce the chapter's new officers. Usually we would announce the changes for the board leadership at our annual meeting, but since that was canceled this year, we are handling it differently this year.
I am pleased to announce that David Mulder, CRA, our current President Elect, transitioned into President effective July 1, 2020. David is the International Security and Compliance Manager in the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects at the University of Michigan. David's background includes work in IT and most recently, leading the University's training programs for Research Administrators. David is well known in the chapter by helping with many of our fun icebreaker and networking activities in recent years at our conferences. I have officially passed the baton to David but not yet the boxes of supplies from the chapter. Naturally, that will happen with much pomp and circumstance when safe to do so. :) Congrats David on your new role!
I am also very pleased to announce our new President Elect, effective July 1, 2020, Stacey Althouse, MS, CRA. Stacey is currently the Director of Research Administration for Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences at the University of Michigan. Stacey had this to say regarding her election to President-elect: "Our profession provides the foundation for Investigators to focus their energy on science. We reduce the administrative burden of submitting, negotiating, and monitoring research portfolios. We play an important role in the process of scientific discovery and progress. I'm excited to serve as President of the Michigan Chapter in 2022. I look forward to networking with Research Administrators across our state and discussing new ways to improve workflow." Please join me in welcoming Stacey to her new position within the chapter!
A heartfelt thank you goes out to Ruth Halsey who has completed her Immediate Past President role. We will miss Ruth on the board and are thankful for all of her efforts to improve the chapter over the last three years. Ruth was recently elected President of the Midwest Section. Congrats Ruth!
Finally, I am moving into my role as Immediate Past President. While I am sad that we were unable to host a conference this year, I am excited to help plan our 2021 conference which will be held at Western Michigan University. We will re-engage the planning committee at some point in the coming months. If you are interested in joining the planning committee, please email the chapter leadership at msragroup@gmail.com.

Authored by Melissa Karby, Director of Research Administration
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
SRAI Michigan Chapter Immediate Past President