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News from the Virginia Chapter of SRAI

By SRAI News posted 08-13-2020 09:09 AM


News from the Virginia Chapter of SRAI

Sadly, due to COVID-19 the June Meeting of the VA-SRAI chapter was canceled. It was to have taken place on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. Plans to convene there in June 2021 are underway. The membership will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the chapter.

The chapter leadership will transition the new officers on September 1 as follows:

thatch.png Tamara Hatch, James Madison University, is stepping down as Immediate Past President kcalvo.png Kayla Calvo, University of Virginia, will be President
kmoose.png Kirstiana Moose-McConkey, University of Virginia, will remain the Secretary-Treasurer mhuber.png Meghan Huber, Virginia Tech, will be President Elect

Carey Reinicke, University of Virginia is the current Immediate Past President, and Jose Alcaine, Past President, Virginia Commonwealth University were invaluable executive advisors for the 2019-2020 planning cycle.

Authored by Tamara T. Hatch, MBA, CRA, CPRA, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs Pre-Award
James Madison University
SRAI Virginia Chapter Immediate Past President

