Why I Volunteer
When I joined SRAI and attended my first Section Meeting in 2006, I knew right after that meeting that SRAI was my community. People were engaging, inclusive, interested in my opinion, and saw potential in me that I had not recognized in myself.
I owe an abundance of gratitude and love to Gina Hedberg, Fran Stephens, Ellen Zavala, Jennifer Shambrook, Bill Hoffman, Dominic Esposito, and a host of others for their support, guidance, patience, and encouragement.
In 2011, Gina Hedberg from the University of South Alabama, and I founded the SRAI Alabama Chapter, and I presented at my first SRAI meeting. Due to the hard work of other Chapter members and leadership, our Chapter has grown, and we are now the SRAI Alabama-Mississippi Chapter. Before this, I volunteered at SRAI meetings as a room monitor or worked at the registration desk. I met some beautiful people during this time who later became my mentors, friends, and sisters, and brothers in love and faith. I witnessed the hard work and dedication of the HQ staff, and I appreciate their commitment and dedication to our members and the Society.
My passion is and always will be professional development, with a focus on personalities, behavior, and leadership. I have had the privilege of presenting on these topics at Chapters, Sections, Annual Meetings, and webinars. As a volunteer, I have made friends that will forever be near and dear to me.
I am a knowledge sharer, and I do not know how to say NO, despite Gina’s attempts to intervene. I volunteer because it connects me to others like me (Research Administrators). We all share a common goal, which is to learn as much as we can and share it with as many as we can. I volunteer because it is good for my mental and physical well-being. I volunteer because there are so many people in SRAI that are willing to assist me in my professional growth and advancement. I volunteer because I enjoy working with others. I enjoy mentoring, knowledge sharing, and the camaraderie with my colleagues. I volunteer because it allows me to connect to SRAI and, along with all of you, to make it better. Because I volunteer, I have acquired new skills and build upon skills I already have and use them to benefit others within our community.
“Volunteering is at the very core of being a human. No one has made it through life without someone else’s help.” – Heather French Henry

Authored by Gloria Greene, CRA, Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
SRAI At-Large Board Member, Southern Section President, 2020
Gloria Greene is one of the candidates for one of the two At-Large Board Members for the Board of Directors.
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Voting will run through 11:59 PM PDT on Thursday, August 20, 2020.
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