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INORMS Research Evaluation Group Releases Guide to SCOPE Framework for Responsible Research Evaluation

By SRAI News posted 12-09-2021 09:25 AM


INORMS Research Evaluation Group Releases Guide to SCOPE Framework for Responsible Research Evaluation

As the SRAI representative to the INORMS Responsible Research Evaluation Working Group (INORMS-REG), I am excited to announce our next step in our product development. The INORMS-REG has been working over the last few years to develop resources for practitioners to use in the responsible research evaluation process. We partnered with Emerald Publishing and have recently launched an online guide to the SCOPE framework for effective and responsible research evaluation. Please read more about this in our office press release below.

Date: Monday 22 November 2021

The International Network of Research Management Societies (INORMS) Research Evaluation Group (REG) has today released an 18-page guide to their framework for responsible research evaluation called SCOPE.

Established in 2018, the INORMS REG has been working to better understand and develop best practices in responsible research evaluation with the aim of providing practitioners and senior leaders the tools they need to effectively and responsibly evaluate research. The SCOPE Framework for responsible research evaluation resulted from their work. 

Over the past year the Group have partnered with a range of funders, institutions and publishers to apply SCOPE to a series of real-life evaluation problems with the aim of testing the model. The guide draws on the learnings of these explorations, many of which have been included as case studies. The aim of the guide is to assist any organisation seeking to design a responsible research evaluation. It was designed by their publishing partner, Emerald Publishing, and is now available as an open resource under a CC-BY license.

The SCOPE framework for responsible research evaluation comprises of five stages:

  1. START with what you value
  2. CONTEXT considerations
  3. OPTIONS for measuring
  4. PRODE deeply
  5. EVALUATE your evaluation

This content is available online, including one-page summaries in various languages, and is available for no charge. In addition to the SCOPE guide, additional materials have been developed including fuller case studies using the framework from a variety of international contexts including research universities, publishing companies, and funding agencies. More information and materials can be found online here:

The REG is available for additional workshops and program development in the use of SCOPE. Contact the group by reaching out to the Chair, Dr. Elizabeth Gadd, or the Deputy Chair, Tanja Strom,

About the INORMS REG: This international group has been meeting regularly over the last three years and was tasked by INORMS to develop best practice in responsible research evaluation. The group is chaired by Dr. Elizabeth Gadd, Head of Research Operations, University of Glasgow (UK) and Tanja Strom, Senior Advisor, Department of Research and Development at Oslo Metropolitan University (Norway) is Deputy Chair. Additional members include: Aline Pacifico Rodrigues, Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasilerira Hospital Albert Einstein (Brazil); Dr. Baron Wolf, University of Kentucky (USA); Dr. Fang Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China); Hirofumi Seike, Tohoku University (Japan); Justin Shearer, The University of Melbourne (Australia); Laura Beaupre, University of Guelph (Canada); Laura Himanen, Tampere University (Finland); Marianne Gauffriau, University of Copenhagen (Denmark); and Dr. Xiaoxuan Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China).

About INORMS: Formed in 2001, INORMS brings together research management societies and associations from across the globe. Its purpose is to enable interactions, sharing of good practice, and joint activities between the member societies, to the benefit of their individual memberships. Each member society has its own distinct remit, constitution, membership and geographical base, but we each face similar issues. The nature of research management and administration is changing, and it is becoming more professional. The economic and political imperatives and pressures are common across the globe. The network enables the officers of the member societies to compare their national or regional issues, and to learn from each other. Through INORMS, we are able to transfer training course structure and content, adopt comparable support mechanisms, and jointly develop training materials.

Authored by INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group

Submitted by Baron G. Wolf, PhD, Assistant Vice President for Research and Chief of Staff, Director of Research Analytics, INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group – SRAI Representative to the INORMS Research Evaluation Working Group


