Monthly Poll | Institutional Commitment to RA Training and Professional Development
So many of us tell the story of how we fell into this profession, a serendipitous accident of the fates. We learned how to do our jobs from supervisors, mentors, conferences, our own errors, the errors of colleagues splashed across the front page of newspapers and newsletters…when such things were still commonly printed and circulated, or later when such news bites were scrolled across various media sites. How much is the hiring institution responsible for training the employee versus the employee responsible for learning on their own? As a profession, a field, we’ve moved toward a certification process because as a body of members we’ve agreed that the knowledge is specialized enough – regulations and specifications to that knowledge change often enough – that we felt the need to update and refresh our knowledge collectively. How much are your institutions supporting that training?
Authored by Heather Brown, Grants and Contracts Administrator
Duke Human Vaccine Institute