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View from the Top | Behind the Scenes Heros!

By SRAI News posted 08-09-2023 05:25 PM


View from the Top | Behind the Scenes Heros!

Behind the scenes, many dedicated individuals often work tirelessly to get things done. These individuals may not always be in the spotlight, but their contributions are invaluable.

I want to extend my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to all of our dedicated volunteers, vendors, board members, and SRAI staff. With your unwavering commitment, passion, and tireless efforts, our organization is the thriving and impactful community it is today.

Each day, we witness the positive impact of your contributions, and we are humbled by the countless hours you selflessly dedicate to our mission. From helping during events and initiatives to offering your expertise and skills, your willingness to go above and beyond inspires us all.

It is essential to recognize that our HQ staff plays a crucial behind-the-scenes role in ensuring the smooth functioning of our Society. Ellen, Evan, Debbie, Jenny, Gina, Jim, Merry, Kelci, and Socheata, your diligence and dedication contribute significantly to our ability to serve our community efficiently.
You have repeatedly proven that a small group of committed individuals can make a tremendous difference. Your collective efforts have created a positive ripple effect reaching far beyond what we could have imagined.

To the SRAI Board of Directors, as we look toward the future, we do so with immense optimism, knowing that we have an incredible team of volunteers and support staff. Your continued involvement and unwavering support give us the strength and motivation to pursue our mission.

Once again, thank you for being the driving force behind SRAI's success. Together, we can continue to create positive change, inspire others, and make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals.

Authored by Gloria W. Greene, Assistant Vice President, Contracts & Grants
The University of Alabama at Huntsville
SRAI Board of Directors President

