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View from the Top | You Know More Than You Think You Do

By SRAI News posted 09-13-2023 03:58 PM


View from the Top | You Know More Than You Think You Do

In a world driven by information and expertise, it's easy to underestimate the depth of our knowledge. Many of us suffer from “imposter syndrome,” believing we are not as knowledgeable as we should be or as others perceive us to be. However, the truth is that we often possess a wealth of knowledge that goes unnoticed or unappreciated.

Curiosity is the driving force behind the accumulation of knowledge. We actively engage in learning when we ask questions, seek answers, and explore new ideas. It's easy to underestimate the value of our curiosity and the breadth of topics we've explored.

Everyday life is filled with learning opportunities. We are constantly exposed to new information, from reading books, newspapers, or online articles to engaging in conversations with friends and colleagues. Over time, this accumulation of facts, perspectives, and insights can contribute significantly to our overall knowledge.

You are undoubtedly more knowledgeable than you think you are. Your life experiences, curiosity, everyday learning, adaptability, problem-solving abilities, and personal growth contribute to your hidden wisdom. Recognizing and celebrating your knowledge is essential, no matter how humble it may seem. Embrace your inner wisdom and continue to foster your curiosity and thirst for learning by sharing what you know with your colleagues and peers.

Sharing knowledge as a SRAI presenter can be a powerful way to convey information, learn from and engage others, and make a lasting impact. We can all learn from each other, consider partnering with a colleague and/or peer and submit a speaking proposal. You know more than you think you do!

Authored by Gloria W. Greene, Assistant Vice President, Contracts & Grants
The University of Alabama at Huntsville
SRAI Board of Directors President

