Note from the Editor | Note of Thankfulness
Later this month will be Thanksgiving in the US, so I’d like to start on a note of thankfulness – for SRAI, our Catalyst Committee, our members, and the entire community that makes up research and research administration. It’s so easy to get hyper-focused on what is wrong or needs fixing and forget to celebrate what is working or the progress being made. It can be hard to be content and thankful while continuing to push forward. I hope you in turn have something in your work and personal lives you can take a moment to be thankful for.
Perhaps after pausing for a moment of gratitude, you might consider reading Part Two on Restructuring Your Team, or engage in some introspection with Branding Yourself and ponder what you might be known for along with what you would like to be known for and how to develop it.
If you missed the SRAI Annual Meeting in Seattle, look for our article from Grace Fransisca about her experience at the meeting as an attendee and speaker. Check out what our experts have to say about advancing their career in Your Questions Answered and be sure welcome our new Distinguished Faculty members.
Finally, I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to my departing co-editor, Terry Campbell, for all her hard work and dedication to the Catalyst over the past three years. I’m so glad I got the opportunity to work with her and the Catalyst is stronger and better for her contributions. While I will miss her as my fellow co-editor, I look forward to working with her in the future in other roles. To briefly reference the Branding Yourself article again, thank you Terry – for me you are known by a single name.
Authored by Karen Bone, Senior Award Administrator
Florida Atlantic University
SRAI Catalyst Co-editor