Post Award Office New Year’s Resolution Ideas for Doing More, Better, and With Less This article will explore how post-award administrators can help their teams and institutions be most resilient in 2021 as the impact of Covid-19 has forced the need to do more with less, all while also trying...
Monthly Poll | Pandemic Wisdom While Working Remotely Last month I asked you to share your pandemic wisdom, to share with the community some of the ways you are using new-to-you tools to excel at adaptability while working remotely. One very skilled member of our community responded that they...
Be Prepared for Surprises | Monthly Poll The motto of the wise prepared for surprises. The 1972 Around the World in 80 Days TV cartoon series was one of my favorite cartoons as a young child and this quote has come to mind so many times during this pandemic. Being quarantined for...
Adjusting to a New Normal in Research Administration: We’d Love to Hear from You In the first quarter of 2020, a little crown-shaped virus decided to travel all over the world, upending social and work norms on a scale that very few people have ever seen in our lifetime, resulting in a...
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Professional Development, Good Memories, and Friends | Monthly Poll Last month we asked you a couple of questions about your thoughts on working from home (WFH) and your overall productivity under these extended WFH conditions. Here’s a look at your responses: Almost 60% of respondents...
WFH or not WFH | Monthly Poll Last month we asked you what you missed most about your office and here’s a look at the results: The write-in responses highlighted the value of interacting with our co-workers; whiteboards; scanners; the privacy provided by cubicle walls and office doors;...
Implications to IRB Operations Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic What is the impacts of human subject protections and IRB operations during a time of crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic? This has been a question at the top of the minds of anyone conducting clinical and translational research over...
An Ode to My Office Chair | Monthly Poll After two weeks of working from my not so fabulous dining chair, I was inspired to write the poem below. After three weeks of working from home, I was seriously considering purchasing a fancy desk chair from Amazon that had an unreliable delivery...
Out of the Office: Teleworking in Research Administration is Here to Stay How will teleworking impact research administration at American colleges, universities and research organizations even as stay at home orders are lifted? By many indications, teleworking is here, and it is here to stay....
Modernizing Research - the Trends and the New Imperative Last month, I had the pleasure of speaking at the SRAI Virtual Meeting. It was my first experience taking part in a fully virtual industry event and I’m so glad that SRAI quickly adapted to host the event together. Thank you to everyone...
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