51 Years as the Premier Scholarly Journal in Research Administration As we usher in a new decade, I am excited that the Journal of Research Administration is entering into its 51 st year of being the premier scholarly journal for disseminating education, training, and scholarship related to...
Kudos Korner | Nathan L. Vanderford SRA International members rock! As research management and administration professionals, they never stop improving, learning, achieving, or earning new heights of success. We love sharing good news and offering a well-deserved slap on the back for recent...
2020 Call for Nominations | SRA International Board of Directors Deadline to submit nominations is Friday, June 19, 2020 Help SRA International develop excellence in research administration, management and development of our profession by submitting a nomination to serve on the Board of...
Note from the Editor | Stay Healthy, Stay Yourself, and Stay Connected! #InThisTogetherRA In just a few months, Covid-19 has caused havoc by moving across the world, leaving many dead, economies stagnant, and the futures in limbo. As we shelter in place complying with stay at home mandates it...
Honor Your Peers and Colleagues & Nominate them for the 2020 SRAI Awards SRAI Awards are a great way to acknowledge and honor individual Research Managers and Research Administrators for their remarkable contributions to the research management & administration profession and to the...
View from the Top | The Power of Connection Nearly six years ago, one of my Alabama colleagues invited me to an SRAI Chapter meeting. A lot has happened since that invitation, and now here we are. My involvement in SRA International began with a Chapter meeting invitation in the summer of...
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Modernizing Research - the Trends and the New Imperative Last month, I had the pleasure of speaking at the SRAI Virtual Meeting. It was my first experience taking part in a fully virtual industry event and I’m so glad that SRAI quickly adapted to host the event together. Thank you to everyone...
Insights on iSRA’s First Virtual Conference In light of current situations regarding COVID-19 and the cancelling of our Spring Section meetings, SRAI hosted a new and flexible education opportunity for the community – an iSRA Virtual Conference. We are happy to share that over 500 attendees...
Out of the Office: Teleworking in Research Administration is Here to Stay How will teleworking impact research administration at American colleges, universities and research organizations even as stay at home orders are lifted? By many indications, teleworking is here, and it is here to stay....
We're here to help you stay strong! | LevelUP According to Statista, interest in buying dumbbells online has increased 725% over the last 30 days. Right now, building your professional strength is just as important building physical strength. It is the perfect time to invest in yourself, and...
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