View from the Top | Time Keeps Moving
It’s February already! Time does not stand still regardless of what’s happening around us. We are preparing for our 2021 Winter Board Meeting which will take place virtually on February 19 and 20.
We will be discussing updates from our major committees: Education and Professional Development Committee (EPDC), Membership, Communications, Governance, Section/Chapter Leadership, and the newly convened Divisions and Strategic Planning Committees. We will also hear updates from the SRAI Engagement and Diversity Task Force.
If you are interested in attending, contact: for registration details.
Have you ever considered running for office? We are currently in the middle of Section and Chapter elections and that means that the SRAI National election season will be coming up soon enough. This cycle we will be seeking candidates for President Elect, Treasurer, and At-Large Board Members. If you think you would like to get involved on this level, feel free to reach out to me or to Kim Carter, Immediate Past President who serves as the Nomination Committee Chair, with any questions. Remember, this is YOUR organization, and it takes the efforts of all of us to make it run well.
SRAI Awards season has opened. This is your opportunity to recognize the long-term exemplary contributions your peers have made to the research administration profession and the Society. Self-nominations are also accepted. See details here. The deadline to apply/submit is May 14. Don’t wait for the last minute – get those nominations in now. Winners will be recognized at the 2021 SRAI Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
I want to remind you about some upcoming and exciting initiatives:
- iSRA 2021 Spring Joint Section Meeting - where NE meets S meets W meets MW!
To keep everyone safe (until we can come together in person in NOLA in October 2021) and maximize learning and networking opportunities, the iSRA Joint Section Meeting will be a presented online, April 26-30. This week-long virtual conference will include, an amazing slate of workshops, main event activities, educational sessions, and networking opportunities designed to fit your schedule and to amplify and accelerate your professional growth, including two full certificate offerings - National Institutes of Health Grant Fundamentals and Leadership.
- Chapter Chats
Many of our Chapters have already scheduled online chapter chats and virtual workshops for their members. Check out the schedules at:
- Winter Training Intensives – Science & Security, Leadership, and Basics
These winter intensive programs are all underway and are proving to be as popular as ever.
Check the website for details on what will be offered later in the year.
- Financial Management Conference – exciting new conference opportunity!
- Our LevelUP Micro-credentialing offerings are always expanding, explore the possibilities at:
- SRAI Annual Meeting 2021 Call for Proposals is Open!
We are planning an amazing conference in New Orleans, LA (NOLA) in October 2021. Be part of the excitement by submitting a speaking proposal – deadline to submit is February 23.
There’s so much happening each month – don’t miss an opportunity to share, learn, engage, and grow.
Hope to see you at one (or more) of our 2021 events! Always looking to continue the conversation…
Authored by Debra Schaller-Demers, Senior Director, Research Outreach and Compliance
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
SRAI President