Stronger Together: A New SRAI-DARMA Partnership
Research Administration and Management is a fascinating profession that spans the globe with ever increasing layers of complexity. The leaders of SRAI and the Danish Association for Research Managers and Administrators (DARMA) recognize the importance of maintaining good communication, excellent training, and strong global partnerships. That is why SRAI and DARMA are delighted to announce our new Sister Society membership category. This new category presents the opportunity for full DARMA members to join SRAI at no additional cost and to attend SRAI events at the reduced member rate.
We believe this initiative will help build important bridges across our communities and allow information and knowledge sharing that will benefit the members of both organizations. DARMA members will have access to our Connect platform, SRAI’s popular monthly Coffee Talks, and other online resources. SRAI’s members will have an opportunity to meet many more research administrators with a unique perspective, explore differences and similarities in regulations and approaches, and learn about new developments in research administration that may be coming to the United States in the coming months and years (think Research Impact!).
This new program has been in the pipeline a few years and we are delighted to announce it is effective immediately. Details on the program and registration can be found on both organization’s websites, at https://www.srainternational.org/get-involved/become-member-rates for SRAI and at http://darma.dk/srai for DARMA. This arrangement is voluntary, DARMA members will need to complete a simple and brief registration to join and start taking advantage of the joint membership benefits. We hope all of you are as excited about this initiative as we are. Join us in celebrating expanding our international partnerships and please take a moment to welcome the new members to our community!
Annedorte Vad, DARMA President
Debra Schaller-Demers, SRAI President
Authored by
Annedorte Vad, President, Danish Association of Research Managers and Administrators (DARMA) |
Debra Schaller-Demers, President, Society of Research Administrators International (SRAI) |