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What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Research Administration | Tim Linker

By SRAI News posted 09-08-2022 11:42 AM


SRAI mourns the passing of one of our members, Tim Linker. Tim was a Past President of the North Carolina Chapter, former editor of the Journal of Research Administration, and a Distinguished Faculty Member. Before his passing, he contributed to our "What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Research Administration," and we would like to share his thoughts with you as we in turn keep his family and friends in our thoughts. Thank you, Tim, for your work with research administration and SRAI.

What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Research Administration | Tim Linker

Members of SRAI’s Distinguished Faculty were recently asked, “What do you wish you knew when you started in Research Administration?” Over the next few months, we will share their insights and observations.

My Top Ten List of What I Wish I Knew:

  1. Research Administrators are so willing to share, all you need to do is ask and not be shy
  2. Someone sat me down and explained time and effort
  3. There are so many varied jobs that entail research administration, you can have mini careers in a number of Research Administrator subfields
  4. Someone sat me down and explained service centers
  5. F&A is not a tax
  6. A veteran Research Administrator mentor and professional development are essential to growth
  7. There are lots of ways to run a successful research administration enterprise, there is no one correct answer
  8. Being a generalist is better than a specialist (Tip of the hat to all the PUI folks who do it all!)
  9. Customer service/soft skills are the most important tool of a research administrator
  10. Faculty are not only customers, they are the lifeblood of research, without them, we have no purpose

Authored by Timothy Linker, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Administration, Division of Research and Economic Development

North Carolina A&T State University
SRAI Distinguished Faculty


