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Note from the Editor | Summer’s End

By SRAI News posted 09-13-2023 04:07 PM


Note from the Editor | Summer’s End

With the temperature outside daily hitting a high of one hundred degrees, I am so incredibly excited for what counts as fall in the southern part of the United States. I am tired of hiding indoors and hoping my air conditioner can limp along for one more summer. Luckily for me, writing and reading the Catalyst is easily an inside activity, and I hope you can enjoy browsing our September issue somewhere cool and comfortable.

Our featured articles this month include our final article on Project Delays for the Spotlight, what it is like to move away from your organization and switch to a remote role, and a follow up from this summer’s Coffee Talk on research development as a separate profession. We also have answers about onboarding new faculty members from our SRAI Distinguished Faculty.

In Members Corner our Maximize Your SRAI Experience series continues with how to update your SRAI member account. One item of interest is that you can make your information visible so that other SRAI members (and only those logged into the website) can find you in our member directory. Additionally, we are excited to announce our newly elected SRAI President Elect, Treasurer, and two SRAI At-Large Board Members and 2023 SRAI award winners. You can read a little about each of them in this month’s issue and congratulate them in-person at the annual meeting.

On a more lighthearted note, we continue our “Catalyst Fun” via SRAI Find-a-Word. Share it with your colleagues or just try it on your own. 

As always, thank you for reading and spending your time with us, and we hope to see some of you at this year’s 2023 SRAI Annual Meeting in Seattle.

Authored by Karen Bone, Senior Award Administrator
Florida Atlantic University
SRAI Catalyst Co-editor

