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View from the Top | Empowering Research Administrators: Unlocking Professional Growth Through Intensive Training Programs

By SRAI News posted 02-07-2024 12:21 PM


View from the Top | Empowering Research Administrators: Unlocking Professional Growth Through Intensive Training Programs

SRAI's Intensive Training Programs allow research administrators to concentrate on a specific area that supports their professional growth. Whether you are new to the field with less than two years of experience or a mid-level research manager, professional development is always needed. Discuss current issues, learn best practices, participate in real-world challenges, and get immediate feedback in a deep-dive training format. Here is what we have to offer:

  • Basics of Research Administration (Offered again in Spring/Summer 2024) This six-week program was developed for research administrators new to the field with less than two years of experience. The content is designed to provide a broad awareness across research administration. 
  • Research Leadership Intensive (In-person program will be held in Summer 2024) This intensive program is targeted at Research management professionals with some degree of supervisory oversight for people and/or programs (e.g., Managers, Directors, VPs) in any aspect of research administration: Pre-award, Post-award, Compliance, Conflict of Interest, Technology Transfer, Human Research Protections, Animal Welfare, Research Misconduct, Internal Audit, Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), etc.
  • Research Development Mini-Intensive (February 21 - February 22, 2024) This mini-intensive program is designed to educate research administrators about the essence of research development, its importance for both themselves and their faculty, and how they can collaborate with the research development team to support faculty members in securing external funding for their endeavors.
  • Research Contract Review and Negotiation Intensive (March 12 - 26, 2024) This intensive program is intended for new to mid-level research administrators involved in negotiating and reviewing research-related contracts and agreements. The course is designed to equip participants with understanding the complex and challenging aspects of contract negotiation and management within research. It aims to help participants understand the different research contract types and their respective components.
  • Clinical Research Budget & Billing Mini-Intensive (March 26 – April 8, 2024) This intensive program is intended for early to mid-level clinical research professionals, including research coordinators and administrators, with limited exposure to clinical research budget & billing. The course aims to teach learners the best practices for building a clinical research study budget and identifying the downstream impacts on the organization & patient experience. 
  • Departmental Administration Intensive (April 3 - May 8, 2024) This intensive program was developed for early-career individuals directly supporting investigators and research teams. The content provides a solid foundation for managing the complexities and nuances of departmental research administration. 
  • Post-Award Intensive (May 13- May 22, 2024) This intensive program will encourage exploration of the research administrator's role at their institution and others. Discussions and exercises will include methodologies for assessing costs and concerns associated with personnel effort, consultants, equipment, supplies, travel, subcontracts, total direct cost, program income, indirect costs, and cost-sharing.
  • Pre-Award Intensive (Dates coming soon!) This intensive program is intended for those just stepping into a pre-award position whether as a newcomer to the field of research administration or those changing focus within research administration. As pre-award is the foundation for the grant lifecycle, pre-award research administrators plan a critical role in setting a grant off to a good start. 

Wikipedia states that training aims to improve capability, capacity, productivity, and performance. New Year-New You, step up your game and unlock your professional growth. For additional information on the Intensives noted above and more click here

Authored by Gloria W. Greene, Assistant Vice President, Contracts & Grants
The University of Alabama at Huntsville
SRAI Board of Directors President

