Institutional Registration

LevelUP for Institutions
Innovative, Cost-Effective Training for Your Team.

Use SRAI's LevelUP to keep your team sharp and you’ll never hear them say they don’t know again! An institution can purchase a Bundle Package. The number of courses is the number of modules or mGuides that may be assigned to an individual(s). The institution receives “tokens” to assign and use on their own for 365-days from the day of purchase. They can purchase additional “tokens” at any time. A module is 1 token; mGuide is 0.50 token. 


Number of Tokens Price Per Module Price Savings
10 $1600  $160 10%
25 $3750 $150  15%
50+ Average $6,750 Average $135  Average 23%
Unlimited Access  Starting at $10,000 contact us to learn more! Varies  Varies