Concurrent Session
Presentation: 75-minute sessions designed in a traditional format, aimed at a specific focus in which the audience listens to what the presenter has to say, even though the presenter should encourage audience participation and entertain questions. The majority of concurrent sessions at SRAI meetings have typically fit in this category and form the core of conference offerings. Presenters are encouraged to use active learning techniques to engage audiences, distribute materials, and respond to follow-up requests for more information.
Discussion: 75-minutes structured discussions on a key learning topic or challenge. Presenters facilitate and engage attendees in a structured exploratory discussion, encouraging participation from participants.
Panel: 75-minute sessions that discuss a topic with a selected group of panel members (typically no more than 3-4) with contrasting or complementary points of view. The panel is actively moderated by a chair, with time reserved for audience participation, questions, and comments.
Case Study: 75-minute, focused sessions that highlight organizational stories of success, lessons learned, failed initiatives, and best practices. Presenters will share their stories and engage participants in focused dialogues about the implications of these examples for other organizations. These are all up-to-date, honest, under-the-hood explorations of learning innovation and implementation from real experiences.
Step-by-Step/”How To”: Pragmatic, 75-minute sessions that provide practical advice and suggested action steps to successfully implement and/or utilize strategies, approaches to and technologies for learning or implementing new policies, regulations, or requirements.