Note from the Editor | Setting the Tone for the New Year Happy 2023! We hope you had a refreshing and relaxing holiday season filled with family, friends, and fun. As we set the tone for a new year filled with promise and optimism, this month’s Catalyst highlights topics of relevance to...
Navigating the Career Maze Research Management and Administration (RMA) is a profession with diverse job roles and opportunities, making it professionally challenging to identify suitable career pathways/possibilities. Background Over three years ago, I joined the research management...
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It Was the Best of Times; It Was the Worst of Times | Part 1 This iconic literary opening is the first thing I thought of when pondering the current state of our profession. In a lot of ways, it truly is the heyday of research administration. The amount of US R&D has gone from $156B in...
Examining Traditional and Non-Traditional Mentor/Mentee Relationships Research administration is continuously changing, developing, and transforming as a result of demands from research, sponsors, and stakeholders. How can we, as research administrators, better ourselves to evolve with the...
Putting Research Administration Skills to the Test: Purchasing Taylor Swift Tickets How to use everyday skills of research administration and apply them creatively to real life scenarios. Research administration requires strategic planning, collaboration, flexibility, problem-solving,...
My Mommy is a Research Administrator! Being an administrator can often feel very much like being a parent; nurturing and caring for faculty as they manage their proposals. The Catalyst spoke with our newest “committee member,” baby Zara, who shared her views on the similarities of motherhood...
What is Your Best Tip for Time Management? | Fran Stephens Members of SRAI’s Distinguished Faculty were recently asked what their best tip/aid for time management is. Over the next few months, we will share their insights and observations. Sunday evening or early Monday I make sure...
Research Data and Responsible Publishing | Introduction to Research Data: What is Research Data and How is Ownership Defined? The Catalyst begins 2023 with a three-month look at various aspects of research data and responsible publishing in view of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH)...
The Secret Life of a Research Administrator | Vanessa Greer Ettema “The Secret Life of a Research Administrator” column is meant to facilitate more personal connections between SRAI members through the Catalyst newsletter. If you would like to share with the community or know of someone who...
View from the Top | The Road Ahead 2022 was an excellent period for SRAI, and 2023 is off to a great start. The foundation we built over the previous year, culminating in updating our strategic plan in November, is already yielding results. Last May, I brought together SRAI’s leadership with...
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