Research Administration Careers| Burn Out or Fade Away Is doing more with less helpful or harmful? Our Career Series Spotlight explores how increased workloads can contribute to burn out as research administrators face challenges that can affect their work as well as their physical and...
Note from the Editor | Engagement and Connections For my fellow co-editor, Karen Bone, and me, this November marks the second full year that we have been promoting the Catalyst as a forum that keeps research administrators up to date on top-of-mind topics and what’s happening at SRAI with...
City of Lights, Smiles, and Memories: Closing Out the 2022 SRAI Annual Meeting in Las Vegas Thank you SRAI members for making the 2022 Annual Meeting in Las Vegas a resounding success! We would like to extend a special thank you to our speakers, sponsors, exhibitors, and committee members...
View from the Top | Continuing the Journey, Progress, and Legacy I must admit, being President of our Society is exhilarating and scary. I am following some of the best. For those of you that were unable to attend the Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, I am going to share my address with the members...
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The Secret Life of a Research Administrator | Lyset Castillo “The Secret Life of a Research Administrator” column is meant to facilitate more personal connections between SRAI members through the Catalyst newsletter. If you would like to share with the community or know of someone who will, ...
What I Wish I Knew When I Started in Research Administration | Domenica G. Pappas Members of SRAI’s Distinguished Faculty were recently asked, “What do you wish you knew when you started in Research Administration?” Over the next few months, we will share their insights and observations...
Leadership Snack and Go If you are missing your fix from the veritable feast of Leadership sessions at the 2022 SRAI Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, or you’re craving an appetizer before the upcoming iSessions , check out this month’s Leadership Snack and Go. 5 Tips to Become a More...
Welcome to our New Distinguished Faculty Members We at SRAI would like to congratulate the following members who were recently inducted as Distinguished Faculty: Debbie Pettitt Kimberly Read Evan Roberts You might be wondering, just who are the Distinguished Faculty? Members of...
Mobility: What This Word Might Mean in a Post-COVID Era Mobility (Noun): 1) The ability to move or be moved freely and easily. 2) The ability to move between different levels in society or employment. Synonyms: Flexibility, agility, progress, success, promotion. Now, what does ...
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