Take note SRAI members. The deadline to apply for one of these prestigious Society awards is approaching fast! Don’t miss out on nominating yourself or a colleague. Applications are accepted through May 18, 2020.
The Herbert B. Chermside Award
This award showcases distinguished contributions in the development of research administration as a profession. The nominee must have been involved in the field of research administration and management for at least 15 years. Examples of contributions include (but are not limited to):
- Publications in management and research administration journals
- Speeches concerning research administration before major organizations
- Service on committees or agencies which have had a direct and positive impact on research administration
- Any other activity which has contributed to the development of research administration as a profession.
The nominee does not need to be an SRAI member. The nominator must be a current SRAI member.
Hartford-Nicholsen Award
This award recognizes SRAI members whose services demonstrate leadership in the Society and who have made a major, distinguishable contribution which has been of benefit to the entire Society. Both nominator and nominee must be current SRAI members.
Excellence Award
This award recognizes up to three SRAI members who have excelled in meeting the Society's purpose of expanding the knowledge and tools of research administration as a newcomer (less than 5 years), mid-career (5 – 10 years) or advanced professional (more than 10 years). Both nominator and nominee must be current SRAI members.
The Technology Innovation and Application Award
This award, open to an individual or a team, showcases and recognizes innovations and applications in using technology in promoting, processing or advancing research administration operations. Nominee(s) does not need to be an SRAI member. The nominator must be a current SRAI member.
The Partnership Award
This award honors and recognizes those instrumental in building a partnership across institutions, national, or international borders. Nominee(s) demonstrates leadership and cooperation in overcoming barriers to work together as equal partners and in ways that serve as a model for collaborating with others toward shared and commonly held goals in research administration. Both nominee(s) and nominator(s) must be current SRAI members.
Learn more about SRAI Awards.

Authored by Katie Watkins, M.Ed.
Associate Director, Research Admin
University of Akron
Catalyst Co-editor
#Catalyst #March2020#Awards#Membership