Authored by Annedorte Vad Head of CBS Research Support Office Copenhagen Business School & Awards Committee Chair Congratulations to the 2019 SRAI Award winners and thank you to all the nominators! SRAI Awards & Scholarships offer individuals a number of opportunities to be...
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Authored by Seema Dhindaw Assistant Director of Radiology Research Operations New York University Langone Medical Center & Catalyst Co-editor Less than a month until the #SRA2019AM and like everyone else, we are excited about the upcoming conference in San Francisco. There are so...
Authored by Pam F. Miller , PhD Executive Director, Sponsored Projects Office University of California, Berkeley & 2019 SRAI Annual Meeting Co-chair It is a challenge to stay on top of all of the changes in policy, funding programs, laws, and compliance issues that constantly impact...
Authored by Devin Kreuger Director University of Toronto Mississauga The 2019 SRAI Annual Meeting in San Francisco, October 19-23 is just around the corner. The co-chairs and SRAI is in full preparation mode for the upcoming conference. Explore the educational program and join us in SF...
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The 2019 SRAI Annual Meeting Committee chairs look forward to welcoming you to San Francisco, where, as Tony Bennet once sang, you will leave your heart in this City by the Bay . Aside from a great meeting, there is so much to do that if you can, plan on spending extra time. San Francisco...
Deadline: Monday, July 22 The Annual Meeting Scholarship will allow two (2) recipients to benefit from leading-edge education and networking opportunities offered at the 2019 SRAI Annual Meeting at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square, San Francisco, CA The Annual Meeting Scholarship includes...
Authored by Devin Kreuger, Pam Miller, and Gayle Walter In each monthly issue of the Catalyst, the “Meet SRAI Leadership?” column introduces you to the SRAI leadership, committee members and volunteers. This virtual platform serves as a good starting base for meeting the members of the SRAI...
Authored by Dr. Pamela F. Miller Director, Sponsored Projects University of California, Berkeley The SRAI 2019 Annual Meeting program is now posted! On behalf of the other two co-chairs, Gayle Walters, and Devin Kreuger, I want to encourage everyone to check out the educational...
Join us for the 2019 SRAI Annual Meeting in the heart of San Francisco, "Everybody's Favorite City." Come and experience this vibrant international city by the bay where diverse cultures interact to produce world class cuisines, unforgettable arts and music experiences, and cutting-edge...
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