Note from the Editor | Thankfulness and Food for Thought Since traditionally November is a month of thankfulness here in the US, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to my fellow co-editor, Terry Campbell, SRAI Headquarters liaison, Debbie Appler, all our Catalyst committee members, our...
Experiencing the New and Unknown I was new to the Society for Research Administrators International as a whole. Until January 2021 the most I had heard was that they were a professional organization in my industry. After a Training Intensive and being supported by a mentor to submit a...
SRAI Odyssey: London – Seattle – Ann Arbor Corinna, a Research Administrator at the University of Michigan, Katie, Business Process Analyst at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle and Silke, Director at 4Sciences Group Ltd in the UK talk about their first group...
Board of Directors Update The SRAI Board of Directors met twice during the Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Read on for a peek behind the curtain ... It was with much anticipation that SRAI once again met in person in New Orleans, Louisiana and attendees were not disappointed. The conference...
Welcoming our Distinguished Faculty Members! We at SRA International would like to congratulate the following members who have recently been inducted to Distinguished Faculty: Simon Philbin Stacy Pritt Sean Scott You might be wondering, just who are Distinguished Faculty? Members...
SRAI 2021 Symposium Spotlights Research and Process Development in Action Professional poster presentations at the SRAI Annual Meeting highlight the work research administrators across the globe are doing to create innovation and new ideas for the profession. This year at the SRAI Annual...
Monthly Poll | Taking Annual Leave My recent experiences with taking annual leave and struggling to disconnect during my time away led to the series of questions we asked last month. We asked you to tell us how frequently you actually utilize your vacation time. Among respondents, the most...
Congratulations to our LevelUP Learners! SRA International would like to congratulate our LevelUP Learners who have achieved a Level 3 and Level 4 LevelUP Badge in the LevelUP Micro-credentialing Program ! The research administration professionals earning these badges have accomplished a...
View from the Top | A Season to Give Thanks November is typically the time of year in the US when we come together with family and friends, over wonderful food, and give thanks for our blessings. This year, we have even more to be grateful for as we were finally able to gather in person in New...
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See You Later Alligator: Closing Out the 2021 SRAI Annual Meeting in New Orleans Thank you SRAI members for making the 2021 Annual Meeting in New Orleans a success! The events of the past year have been nothing short of challenging, but we all know Research Administrators are resilient. Our...
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