Why I am Running for SRAI President Elect, 2021: Embracing the Opportunity to Think Globally, Embrace Diversity, and Leading Change | by Gloria Greene I would like to thank the nominating committee for granting me the opportunity to run for a position on the SRAI Board of Directors. I do not...
Up to the SRAI Future | by Gayle Mowbray Walters 2019 was an eventful SRAI year for me. I had the privilege of being co-chair for the very successful SRAI Annual meeting in San Francisco where the LevelUP program was announced. I was proud to be part of its development. None of us...
My Desire to Give Back: Perspective, Perseverance, and Passion | by Rebecca Claycamp After more than 38 years in research administration, why on earth would I now want to be on the SRAI Board (again)?! That’s easy to answer for two reasons. First, I want the opportunity to give back. I...
The Treasurer’s Perspective | by Dominic Esposito This article gives readers valuable insight of the importance of fiscal stewardship in the Society, and an overarching perspective of SRAI, now and in the future from the Treasurer's viewpoint. I am honored to be the current Treasurer and...
What Does it Actually Mean for SRAI to “be the Premier Global Research Management Society?” | by Mark Hochman What does it mean to be the Premier Global Research Management Society? It's more than being the biggest! In this article Mark Hochman suggests it’s about our reach - the breadth and...
Get Interested in What You’re Doing and Give it Your All | by Pamela Montgomery I’m running for an At-Large Member position. If elected, I will give it my all. I will continue to support the interests of our members’ needs by helping to develop, define and promote best practices in research...
Education and Mentorship are the Backbone of the Research Administration Profession | by Cynthia Morin At the young age of 18, I joined the Johns Hopkins University as an employee of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. At that time, the world of Research Administration was a complete...
Who Needs Caffeine? I Have SRAI! | by Domenica Pappas Like many of you, I “fell” into research administration. The energy and the excitement of working on my first grant proposal was exhilarating when I was an office coordinator in a research department. I am currently the Assistant Vice...
The Future of Research Administration: Investing in People | by Jennifer Woodward Investing in the professional development and career progression of our most valuable resource, research administrators. Our most valuable resources in research administration are the individuals working in...
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